Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend paddling trip

Ian and I decided to do something different this weekend, we canoed. The plan was hatched over breakfast; fried eggs, tea and toast. It was too warm in the mountains, avalanche danger was an issue, what else could we do? So we borrowed Jenny Cloutier's canoe portage wheels (priceless) and headed up Diablo Lake bound for Ross Lake and ultimately Big Beaver campground.
Ian portaging the canoe.

The paddling was easy, the views were beautiful, and the weather was fantastic. Neither of us had spent much time on Ross Lake so it was great to experience it from the water. Which was way down. The lake is drawn down in the spring in anticipation of spring melt. We estimated that it was 40-50 feet below "normal", creating an interesting lake/shore interface.
Me looking at the Ross Dam, with Pyramid and Colonial Peaks in the background.

We got to Big Beaver late afternoon, early evening and had enough time to set up camp and wander up Big Beaver trail. The trail was covered with blow downs and where there wasn't a few inches of standing water it was covered with crusty snow. We didn't go far before we decided it was time for a campfire, dinner and wine.

The view of Jack Mountain from camp.

We paddled out the next day, against the wind. Its interesting, how predictable the wind is on a warm day. The lake is cold, so as the warm air settles the wind begins to blow north, up the lake. Of course we were headed down the lake. It was a long, tiring paddle back. But, on the bright side, I got to practice some new paddling techniques!
Looking at Crater Mountain.

Ian and I are unlikely to become avid paddlers, we both decided that are more inclined to hiking, climbing, land in general. But, it was a nice change of pace, and packing is so much easier when your in a canoe!

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