Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Our first ultrasound

We had our first ultrasound, the baby is ~2" long, and was frankly pretty mellow during the ultrasound. I think little Squak (the babies nickname) was pretty tired after a late night out! We saw the Devil Makes Three last night, with Hillstomp and Robert Sarazin Blake, a fabulous show. The ultrasound tech said Squak looks healthy and everything looks "normal", she estimated our due date at 10/12/10.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Angus guarding the ladies

The chicks are doing pretty good. Although we're realizing its harder than we thought it would be. It's been kind of heartbreaking. I should have known they wouldn't all make it but I wanted them to. A few have died, among them was Hairy, we had feathers on her feet. I should have waited to name them. The rest of them seem to be doing well. Running around, eating, sleeping, pooping. And, Angus finally realized we have live birds in the house. He can be found that late at night watching over them. I'm not sure how we're going to "introduce" them but I have faith that we'll figure it out.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The chicks are here

The chicks arrived bright and early this morning. They are so freakin' cute. Two of them didn't make it, but the other 24 are eating, pooping and drinking up a storm. We stood over the chick box for awhile, dipping each chicks beak into the water, making sure they knew where the food was and measuring the air temperature to make sure it was warm enough.
They finally all settled down, just a few cheeps every now and then. Frankly, it's kind of startling to go in and check on them. It think they're pretty exhausted and almost all of them are just sprawled out on the ground! Apparently that's normal, they are babies after all, they need alot of sleep.
I am so excited to watch them grow up and identify them. One of the chicks has feathers on it's feet!!!!! I'll post pictures later!